Our organisation | Berenschot.com

Our organisation

Berenschot is an independent Dutch management consulting firm with a staff of around 350 people.
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As the holding company, Berenschot Groep B.V. covers all the companies belonging to the Group, as well as other participating interests. Stichting Berenschot Beheer is the sole shareholder in Berenschot Groep B.V. The shares in Berenschot Groep B.V are held and managed to ensure the continuity of the business and support the balanced development of the companies belonging to the Group.

Managing board

Chairman of the board
Drs. H. van der Molen
Member of the board
Ir. M.H. Wijngaard

Supervisory Board

Mr. M.M. van 't Noordende MBA
Prof. dr. S.A.C.M. Lavrijssen
Prof. dr. P.A.H. van Lieshout
Drs. A.A. van Zutphen

Berenschot Management Foundation

Mr. M.C. van der Laan
Board member
Ir. P.C. Molengraaf
Board member
Drs. M. Trompetter
Board member
Prof. dr. A.C.W. Sneller

Directors of subsidiaries/participating interests

Berenschot International B.V./NAO N.V.
Drs. H. van der Molen
Berenschot Belgium N.V.
Drs. H. van der Molen
Mr. R.H.M. Verbeet
(Gedelegeerd bestuurder)

Articles of Association and Commercial Register

Berenschot Group B.V. is the legal successor of Berenschot Holding B.V. with effect from 3 March 2015. The articles of association of Berenschot Holding B.V. have been established by notarial deed dated February 16, 1999 and amended as of March 3, 2015. The registered office is in Utrecht. The company is registered in the trade register in Utrecht under number 30155100.

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Berenschot Group B.V.

Van Deventerlaan 31-51

3528 AG Utrecht

Postbus 8039

3503 RA Utrecht

T (030) 2916 916 

W www.berenschot.nl 

Berenschot Belgium N.V.

Pegasuslaan 5, 1831 Diegem, Belgium (Hoofdvestiging)

Schuman Roundabout 6, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

T +32 2 777 06 45

W www.berenschot.be 


Berenschot EU

Aarlenstraat 20

1050 Brussel, Belgium

T +32 (0) 2 777 06 45

W www.berenschot.eu 

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Terms and Conditions

Download our general terms and conditions. Deviations from or additions to these general conditions require the express written consent of Berenschot.


ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the international standard for the quality management system. Berenschot's quality management system is built in accordance with the structure of ISO 9001:2015 and meets the requirements of the standard.

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security. Berenschot's information security system is built in accordance with the structure of ISO 27001-2013 and meets the requirements of the standard.

ISO 26000

ISO 26000 is the international guideline for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The activities that Berenschot carries out in the context of the CSR policy are based on the core subjects: good governance, human rights, working conditions, fair business practices, consumer interests, the environment and involvement.

Quality Register

Berenschot is registered in the 'Quality Register Organizational Advice' of Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance. This register includes agencies that meet the quality requirements set and that are independently tested.

CRKBO registration

The Central Register for Short Vocational Education (CRKBO) registers educational institutions that comply with the Quality Code for Training Institutions for Short Vocational Education. Berenschot meets the quality requirements and is therefore in possession of a CRKBO registration.