3D printing enables companies to manufacture products more efficiently and more sustainably. Products or components can be produced at any desired moment (on demand) so that the stock on hand can be minimal. Moreover, products can be manufactured close to the location of use (on-site), which reduces the number of transport kilometres and in turn reduces CO 2 emissions and fuel consumption. Additionally, every design is easy to modify to conform to the wishes of the individual customer. Or in other words: personalised products at reasonable prices.
Are you interested in finding out whether 3D printing offers you opportunities for new business development? If so, then a preliminary study into the opportunities for your organisation is a good first step. A business case will clarify whether 3D printing would be beneficial in your case. And if so, which business model is best suited for developing this activity. A good business case clearly shows whether 3D printing would be advantageous in your case, and if so what business model would be most effective for developing this activity.